don't you know

Don't you know I'm still standing better than I ever did
Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid
I'm still standing after all this time
Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind

låtarna som spelas mest hos mig just nu;
♣ elton john - i'm still standing
♣ fergie - big girls don't cry
♣ N.E.R.D - she wants to move
♣ hello saferide - long lost penpal
♣ coldplay - amsterdam
♣ winnerbäck - dom tomma stegen
♣ kent - du är ånga
♣ anna ternheim - i'll follow you tonight
♣ mika - lollipop
♣ daft punk - harder,better,faster,stronger
♣ green day - working class hero
♣ the killers - why do i keep counting

nu äre jobb resten av helgen, och om jag får vara ledig måndag tisdag onsdag ska jag ut till elins stuga!
pusssheej / j


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